Once you start, you can't stop......

Can you imagine what your teeth would look like if you only went to the dentist when you were experiencing pain?  To that regards, your spine and nervous system are similar to your mouth.  Taking the time to have your spine checked will keep you moving for years to come.

Often people will first visit a chiropractor after experiencing some sort of injury.  More often than not, this injury is a result of unaddressed movement/joint dysfunction.  After addressing the main complaint, we will assign a personalized set of exercises that are designed to help prevent the injury from happening again.  After that, many people choose to visit us on a maintenance basis to ensure that the pain does not return. 


Don't be a victim of poor posture!

Poor posture can lead to the discomfort often felt in our neck/back and shoulders.  Mistakenly, we have accepted these aches and pains as normal, but this is NOT normal.  Practicing good posture, correcting imbalances and getting checked by a chiropractor can help with postural dysfunction, improving your quality of life! 

The time we spend on computers, smartphones and tables is increasing, taking the time now to fix your posture will help how you feel later.  Even in the absence of pain, usually there are some fixes to be had.  Pain is a poor indicator of posture, come see us and have your posture checked today, you will thank yourself tomorrow!


Fall Prevention - Are you at Risk?

Did you know?

  • 1 in 3 seniors will experience a fall each year, and half of those more than once.
  • 40% of seniors' falls result in hip fractures.
  • 20% of injury-related deaths among seniors can be traced back to a fall.
  • Seniors are injured at home more than any other location.

Learn how to keep you and/or your love ones safe at our Seniors' Fall Prevention Talk

Thursday, November 26th 2015, 7:00pm

850 Grand Lake Road (Fire Hall), Suite #3 (Upstairs)

RSVP at info@islandchiro.com or call 902-270-7022

Check out the article in the Cape Breton Post! 


What should I expect during my first visit?

Chiropractor first visit

In order to complete your intake forms/health questionnaires it is a good idea to arrive about 10 minutes early to your first appointment.  Also, please note that a MD referral is not required to visit a chiropractor. 

In order to fully understand your condition, Dr. Shaun or Dr. Jen will first conduct a thorough history in regards to your condition and your past/current health status.  A complete history is vital to understanding how your body is functioning as a whole.  After the history, Dr. Shaun or Dr. Jen will complete a focused physical series of tests on the joints and/or muscles that have been bothering you.  While the physical may cause some discomfort, it is important when diagnosing your condition.  

After the history and physical Dr. Shaun or Dr. Jen will advise you if you are a good candidate for chiropractic care and how they will help your condition.  Dr. Shaun and Dr. Jen believe in "informed choice", which basically means, they will take the time to explain your diagnosis, how they intend to help you with your pain, the benefits/risks of treatment and alternatives.  As primary health providers, your comfort and well-being is their priority and you are encouraged to ask as many questions as you would like.  Set aside at least 45 to 60 minutes for this first appointment.   Bring along any X-ray imaging or reports that you have on hand.  Subsequent appointments usually take less time depending on the type of treatment you require.

While you are recovering it is important to follow the treatment plan Dr. Shaun and Dr. Jen have created for you.  This includes compliance with any prescribed exercises/activity, frequency of care and/or suggested supplementation.

You've lost that sunshine feeling.....

Importance of Vitamin D

With fall in full swing, and winter just around the corner, it is time to start thinking about vitamin D supplements.  Usually we get our vitamin D from the sun (hence the name "the sunshine vitamin"), but as days get shorter we get less vitamin D (actually it has been found that Canadians in general do not get enough vitamin D).  

The new daily supplement guidelines published in July by the Canadian Medical Association Journal include supplements of 400 to 1000 IU for adults under the age of 50 without osteoporosis or conditions affecting vitamin D absorption.  For adults over 50 supplementation between 800 and 2000 IU is recommended.  

So why is Vitamin D important? Vitamin D plays many roles in the body some of them include:

  • Maintaining health bones and teeth

  • Supporting the immune system, brain and nervous system

  • Regulating insulin levels and assistance with diabetes management

  • Supporting lung function and cardiovascular health

  • Influencing the expression of genes involved in cancer development

When it comes to choosing supplements, keep these tips in mind:

  • Look for evidence about how well the product works in scientific studies from credible publications. Search for such studies in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) PubMed database: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed. You can also call the manufacturer and ask what published studies they have to back up their claims. It’s also a good idea to find out how they ensure the ingredients listed on the supplement label are actually in the bottle.

  • If a product claims it will “cure” a disease, is “all-natural,” or has a “money-back guarantee,” be on guard. Any supplement that sounds too good to be true likely is.

  • Choose brands labeled with the NSF International, US Pharmacopeia, or Consumer Lab seal. These verify that the product actually contains the ingredients that the label says it does, and that the product doesn’t have any potentially harmful ingredients.

  • Be wary of supplements made outside the United States or Canada. Many aren’t regulated, and some may have toxic ingredients.

We will be carrying the Ascenta professional line in our clinic. A product that we have been taking for years.  We strongly believe in vitamin D supplementation, so much that we started giving it to our son when he was days old and even give it to our dog Winston!  Come check out Ascenta the next time you are in the clinic!


None of the information provided on this website should be substituted for medical evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment from a licensed healthcare practitioner. This blog is simply an extension of ourselves where we may express educated, opinions, values, thoughts and concerns.