Have the best summer ever!

Summer has finally arrived, and we want to help you enjoy the season to its fullest while staying healthy. Summer not only brings fun, but a chance to improve your health in new, exciting ways. Here some of our top tips:

Start slowly

You might just be getting back into the slow pitch league or back onto the golf course. Whatever your sport, remember that your muscles have may become under conditioned over the winter and although you may be feeling fine at that particular moment, muscle fatigue and soreness might set in hours afterwards, possibly even the following day. To avoid avoid injury make sure you are performing the required movements in the days leading up to the first few games. On the day of your game, don’t forget to warm up before by performing some dynamic stretching (as opposed to static stretching). Make sure you don’t over do it - perhaps instead of play a half match of tennis, do 9 holes instead of 18 or only play 5 innings instead of the entire game.

Read more on active stretching by clicking HERE

Beach time

Sitting at the beach is the perfect time to develop back pain. By now we’ve all heard that “sitting is the new smoking” and sitting at the beach is no exception. Try to avoid sitting in the beach chair for hours on end. Our top tip for sitting anywhere (at the beach or at work) is to get up and move every 20 minutes. Better yet, go for a beach stroll, play a game of tag with the kids, do some squats and maybe even some push ups! (Don’t forget your skin protection)

Eat local

Eat healthy and local by visiting a farmers’ market. Produce at the farmers market is typically picked when ripe. As a result, it is bursting with vitamins and nutrients. A diet filled with a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables and local protein will energize your body, improve your mood, boost your immune system and dazzle your taste buds. Choose produce in the full rainbow spectrum to maximize vitamins and nutrients.

Check out our top tips for storing and freezing summer produce by clicking HERE

Take a staycation

Take a break from your regular routine and check out a new environment. Being able to detach from our everyday lives helps us decrease stress, and gain a new perspective on life, often coming back rested, refreshed and relaxed (which can lead to increased productivity at work!). When on the road, make sure to take time to stop and see the sites and stretch out that back!

Check out our top tips for camping in cape breton by clicking HERE

Keep routine

While it might be more difficult to go to sleep when it is still light outside, a healthy sleep routine is still important. The body does a lot of amazing things during sleep, it repairs, regenerates and commits memory into long term storage, just to name just a few. Keeping a regular sleep routine will help you stay injury free.

For more sleep tips click HERE

Our summers are incredibly amazing, but incredibly short. We want to make sure you make the most of your summer by staying healthy. Please reach out if you have any questions in regards to your health.
