Protect your back!

Most of us will suffer from back pain at one point or another, often unexpectedly. Here are some tips and tricks to help you protect your back and keep pain at bay.


  1.  When lifting or carrying items (whether it be a barbell or a load of laundry), keep it close to your body — the further away the item is from you, the more you will be forced to strain.

  2. Avoid twisting and try to stay as upright as possible while lifting. Loads should be kept somewhere between your waist and your shoulders. If you need to carry something lower to the ground, keep your back straight and bend your knees, squat, or kneel.

  3. Clear your path so that you can avoid any unexpected movements. To prevent injury, each movement should be deliberate and intentional, so make sure there is nothing that may cause you to slip or fall.

  4.  Lift with your legs - let them carry the load, not your back!

  5. Test your load before you pick it up — get a sense of its weight before you attempt your lift.

  6. Brace your abdominal muscles, keep this tension as your breathe normally. This will go a long way to preventing injury to your back, especially during abnormally heavy lifts.

  7. Ask for help. Sometimes we just need a helping hand, so don’t be afraid to ask a friend or family member to help out when needed.


Is your back making you scream? Book with Maureen! HERE


None of the information provided on this website should be substituted for medical evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment from a licensed healthcare practitioner.