Wind-Removing Pose

Wind-Removing Pose

Wind-Removing Pose (Pavana Muktasana in Sanskrit) is a simple solution to moderate low back problems, and even digestive relief. If you are suffering from tightness in your hips and low back, or if you just feel bloated after a meal, give this pose a try.

This pose can be done on the floor, on a mat, or even on your bed. Simply lay on your back and hug one knee in towards your chest. Breathe here for a few breaths, and then release the pose. Repeat on the other side. Next, draw both knees into your chest at the same time. Relax your shoulders away from your ears, keep your chin tucked, and breathe deeply. Hold for as long as feels comfortable, and repeat as needed.

Wind-Removing Pose massages your abdominal organs and relieves tension in your hips, low back and abdominal area. This pose gets its name because it can induce flatulence, removing excess wind from your digestive tract and helping to relieve bloating and cramping.

While simple, this pose can be quite effective. If you are experiencing lower back or hip pain that is worsened or simply not relieved by this pose, it may be time to make a visit to your Chiropractor or Registered Massage Therapist. In the meantime, happy stretching!


Maureen, 200h Yoga Instructor, Registered Massage Therapist

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