Oncology Massage

Massage therapy is one of the most popular complementary therapies used by people living with cancer, both actively in treatment or in remission. Massage therapy is the treatment of the muscles and soft tissues in your body. It can help lower stress, ease tension in your muscles and make you feel more relaxed.

For client safety, massage therapists need specialized training before working with anyone who has ever been diagnosed with and/or treated for cancer. This training teaches a specific body of knowledge and skills based on a fundamental understanding of the ways cancer and cancer treatment affect mind and body.

There is evidence that massage therapy helps people with cancer physically and emotionally, and it can improve their quality of life.

People often use massage therapy to help reduce muscle soreness and stiffness. It can also help reduce pain (such as headaches and low back pain), anxiety and stress. It improves circulation and promotes relaxation and a sense of well-being. Studies have shown that massage therapy can help reduce stress, anxiety, pain, fatigue and depression. It can also help with problems sleeping (insomnia), improve sleep quality and reduce nausea.

Some people might worry that massage in the area of a tumour can increase the flow of blood and lymph fluid, causing cancer cells to break away and travel to other parts of the body. Recent evidence suggests that the speed of blood or lymph fluid circulation has nothing to do with the spread of cancer cells. Massage therapy is safe for people with cancer.

If you are looking to book a massage as someone living with cancer, please call our office at 902-270-7022 to arrange completion of our intake package prior to your first appointment.